「単語学習ソフト P-Study System 活用講座」のサイトにやり方があります。
LDOCE5変換ツール をダウンロードし、解凍します。
ロングマン現代英英辞典5訂版 付属のDVD-ROMをインストールする(インストール先は標準のままとしてください)
[2] ImageMagick をインストールする (EPWING化せず PSS 音声抽出のみの場合は不要)
http://www.imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php#windows から
perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan> install Image::Magick 以下もインストール Compress::Raw::Zlib XML::DOM XML::RegExp
perl -MImage::Magick -e "print $Image::Magick::VERSION"
- fpwmake を実行する
> fpwmake
これで LDOCE5 というディレクトリに辞書データ一式(honmonなど)が作成されます。
LDOCE5 ディレクトリ(またはLDOCE5.zip)を別の場所にコピーして電子辞書アプリで閲覧してください。
ImageMagick-6.9.12-28-Q16-x86-static.exe にした。
>where perl C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe
>ppm PPM>install Image::Magick
ppm install "C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.1.0-Q16-HDRI\PerlMagick\Image-Magick.ppd"
「CPAN Client」を起動
> install Image::Magick
> fpwmake start make package (2021/11/13 16:13:06.94)... P:\data2\dictionary\Longman\ldoce5-fpw-20120906>rmdir /S /Q LDOCE5 1>NUL 2>&1 P:\data2\dictionary\Longman\ldoce5-fpw-20120906>del /F /Q ldoce5-fpw.zip 1>NUL 2>&1 P:\data2\dictionary\Longman\ldoce5-fpw-20120906>mkdir work 1>NUL 2>&1 P:\data2\dictionary\Longman\ldoce5-fpw-20120906>perl -I P:\data2\dictionary\Longman\ldoce5-fpw-20120906\freepwing gaiji.pl -workdir work [e28099] P:\data2\dictionary\Longman\ldoce5-fpw-20120906>perl -I P:\data2\dictionary\Longman\ldoce5-fpw-20120906\freepwing freepwing\libexec\fpwhalfchar -workdir work halfchar.txt P:\data2\dictionary\Longman\ldoce5-fpw-20120906>perl -I P:\data2\dictionary\Longman\ldoce5-fpw-20120906\freepwing freepwing\libexec\fpwfullchar -workdir work fullchar.txt P:\data2\dictionary\Longman\ldoce5-fpw-20120906>perl -I P:\data2\dictionary\Longman\ldoce5-fpw-20120906\freepwing split.pl -workdir work picture (3662) done. sound-sfx (190) done. sound-exa (89041) done. sound-gb_hwd (48094) done. sound-us_hwd (47350) done. (略) "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip -mx=9 -r ldoce5-fpw.zip LDOCE5 rmdir /S /Q LDOCE5 1>NUL 2>&1 ) 7-Zip 18.05 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2018 Igor Pavlov : 2018-04-30 Scanning the drive: 4 folders, 4 files, 1814173696 bytes (1731 MiB) Creating archive: ldoce5-fpw.zip Add new data to archive: 4 folders, 4 files, 1814173696 bytes (1731 MiB) Files read from disk: 4 Archive size: 1386430872 bytes (1323 MiB) Everything is Ok done (2021/11/16 0:08:30.54). >
Download and install DDWIN 2.30 (http://homepage2.nifty.com/ddwin/) and copy your epwing CATALOGS file and dictionary directory to the root of some drive (eg. C:\). You can delete them after this step is finished.
2.30 works better with dumping epwing files than the newer versions, with some exceptions. For the Kenkyusha Shineiwa Dai Jiten, you will have to use a later version like 2.66 to process the index (see below).
Run DDWIN, go to ファイル menu, 辞書をサーチする
Press OK or use the option to specify the drive you copied your epwing dictionary
Click on the 全文 tab, close whatever dialog comes up, and with nothing in the search field press enter. This will lookup the contents of the entire dictionary (takes some time).
Go to 編集 menu, エディター起動
- First, choose 該当項目すべて select a content filename (we use dic-gaiji.txt) and wait for the contents to be dumped to a text file. This will take time (use ctrl-alt-del to kill notepad when it automatically opens after it)
- Second, go back to this menu option again and select 該当項目の見出し, select an index filename (we use dic-idx-gaiji.txt) and again kill notepad when it opens
You can use a better text viewer like notepad++ to check the contents of the file and guess whether it has worked correctly. Note that for shineiwadai the index dumping step has to be used with a later version than 2.30 (such as 2.66), which will need to be filtered below in a slightly different way. Stick to 2.30 for the contents.
2. Filter gaiji character codes
Copy the two text files into the pdicconv directory and make sure they are named dic-gaiji.txt and dic-idx-gaiji.txt for the content and index files respectively. Skip this step if your dictionary has no gaiji in it.
- Run the appropriate gaijirep-.bat file (eg. gaijirep-kenkyusha.bat) to filter dic-gaiji.txt.
- Then run the gaijirep-idx.bat file (eg. gaijirep-idx-kenkyusha.bat) to filter the dic-idx-gaiji.txt file
These steps will take some time to run and produce clean output text files called dic.txt and dic-idx.txt. Note that if you used a version of DDWIN later than 2.30 for eg. the index file in the case of shineiwadai, please use the gaijirep-idx-shineiwadai260.bat file to perform the gaiji filtering for the index file only.
3. Convert to 1-line text format
Run the appropriate pdicconv-.bat file (eg. pdicconv-shinwaeidai.bat) to output a 1-line text format “pdic.txt” from the filtered files dic.txt and dic-idx.txt.
4. Convert to PDIC dictionary .dic file
Run PDIC, goto Tools menu, select 辞書の変換
- In the first field, select 1列テキスト形式, and select the pdic.txt file you made
- In the second field, leave it as PDIC形式 and choose a filename you want for your PDIC .dic file
All the other default options should be ok.
Click ok, untick the box in the next dialog if you want to skip any compression pdic tries to apply to the file, click ok etc and it should be done.
You can now add your new .dic file to your dictionary group. You can delete all the .txt files created in the process when you are finished, and as well as the pdicconv package.
Yes that's the end of the instructions.
5. Notes on other dictionaries and customisation
If your dictionary is not listed try something which sounds close
shinwaeidai for Japanese-English dictionaries
shineiwadai for English-Japanese
Or just use the generic pdicconv.bat
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